'project-based learning' Search Results
Enhancing Mathematics Pre-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Project-Based Learning
mathematics education pedagogical and content knowledge project-based learning teaching-learning material transformation geometry...
Recently, in Indonesia, project-based learning (PjBL) has been used as an alternative approach in the teaching and learning process. Research on PjBL has been widely conducted in many countries at various levels. In most previous studies, PjBL was used to improve students' competence in certain math subjects. This study uses a case study research method to determine the effectiveness of PjBL at university in improving pre-service teachers' PCK. The research was carried out in 2022 involving fourteen mathematics education study program students selected by purposive sampling. The instruments used consisted of observation sheets, tests, and questionnaires. During the PjBL activity, participants were given a project to develop teaching materials for geometric transformation using certain teaching-learning strategies. The results of the study show that PjBL can improve students' PCK ability, although participants face several obstacles related to commitment to completing projects on time. Therefore, PjBL can be applied in the teaching-learning process to support professional mathematics teachers.
Strengthening Students' Numeracy Literacy Learning Profile at Schools in Thailand through STEM Approach
strengthening profile literacy numeracy stem...
This research based on community service aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) approach in strengthening the literacy and numeracy learning profile of students at Eakkapapsasanawich Islamic School Thailand. The research employs a quantitative research approach with a single-group pre-test and post-test control design. The research sample consists of two groups: an experimental group receiving STEM-based instruction and a control group receiving conventional instruction. The total number of students involved in this study is 60, with each group comprising 30 students. Data collection techniques include pre-test and post-test assessments involving literacy and numeracy-related questions relevant to the school curriculum. Data analysis is conducted using descriptive statistical methods and independent t-test to compare test results between the experimental and control groups. The results indicate that students who received instruction with the STEM approach experienced a significant improvement in numeracy literacy compared to those who received conventional instruction. The average scores of the final test in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Statistical analysis also reveals a significant difference between the two groups in terms of improvement in numeracy literacy scores. This suggests that the STEM approach is effective in enhancing the literacy and numeracy learning profile of students.